Getting started with Django Web Framework and Docker
Hey there, it is my first blog about Django Web Framework and Docker. This quick-start guide demonstrates what Django Web Framework is, why we use Django rather than other frameworks, and how to dockerize the Django web app. It seems very interesting to deploy a web app through Django. Figure 1-Django Docker Django Web Framework: Django is a high-level python web framework that enables the expeditious development of secure and maintainable websites. It is free and open-source, has a flourishing and agile community . Django helps you to write software that is complete, versatile, secure, scalable, maintainable, and portable. Django runs on many platforms like Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. Many prominent sites use Django Framework including Disqus, Pinterest, Instagram, Mozilla, and open stack. Now the question arises of whether Django is opinionated or not opinionated? The proper way to handle a specific task is that opinionated frameworks should be used. In contrast, unopiniona...